Bring N' Buy
Sell the games you're done with, buy the games people bring. Clear off those unplayed games from your shelf, make some cash and grab some new games.
What is the Bring N' Buy?
Similar to other conventions the BnB is like a mini-game store to buy and sell used games that takes place on Saturday during the event. It is located in the room just outside the gaming hall and is open to all attendees to sell games to other attendees at the convention. All items for sale should be from the tabletop and board game categories. The shop space is limited and therefore RPG books, CCG packs or card bundles, etc are probably not best suited for this venue or convention. Most of the attendees will be tabletop board game players from almost every genre. The NBW has the right to refuse any items at the time of drop off if they will not fit the shops typical sales model.
What's the BnB agenda look like?
The BnB shop is ONLY on Saturday. If you are attending the full convention... please hold on to your games you are selling until it's time to register them for sale. The following times outline how the shop works on Saturday.
- Saturday 8:30 AM to 9:45 AM - Drop Off for Sale
- Saturday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM - Shop is Open for Sales
- Saturday 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM - Return to Pick Up Unsold Items and Claim Sales Proceeds
What's it cost to sell my games?
Each item you sell will cost $1 dollar CAD... OR... 10% of the sale price, whichever is greater. A $5 dollar game will cost $1 dollar to sell, where a $30 game will be charged $3 dollars. It only costs you ONLY IF THE GAME SELLS. Games you take home that do not sell at the end of the shopping window will not require a fee to be paid.
Step 1 : Bringing your items to sell - 8:30AM to 9:45AM
You must bring a printed and completed NBW BnB Seller Registration Form. It can be downloaded with the button below. NOTE: Your "Seller #" on the sheet will be assigned when you bring your items to the registration table, you can leave that field blank when filling the paper out before you arrive.
NBW BnB Seller Registration Form- On the form you will list each item... each seller may ONLY register a maximum of 25 items. If there is room available after all other items are registered OR if the selling shelves start to deplete, you may be able to add additional items for sale (please see event organizers during the sales time to ask if this is possible based on how many items are around)
There are 3 slots for pricing each item. 10AM, 12PM, and 2PM. You may set a price for each slot. This means you may start the shop at 10AM with an item costing $30... then at 12PM if it has not sold yet, you may reduce it to something like $25, then maybe again reduce it to $20 at 2PM until the close of the shop at 4PM. You may also go in the opposite direction by increasing the price as the day goes on... to get someone to grab it earlier. If you wish, you can set the price consistent all day as well. PRICES MUST BE IN WHOLE DOLLAR AMOUNTS ONLY. For example $10... not $10.50. There will be no small coin change available. PRICES SHOULD BE ASSUMED TO BE IN CANADIAN CURRENCY. (For reference click here to see current conversion rates to or from USD... Please use canadian currency when transacting as exchange rates will not be handled at the event)
Each item MUST have an attached NBW BnB Item Sheet. A four pack of sheets can be downloaded with this button.
NBW BnB Item Sheet- There will be "painters tape" (that blue tape that doesnt create a sticky mess) available at the drop off booth to use for taping each sheet to its game
- The individual item sheets should be filled out with all required information, ONE FOR EACH ITEM BEING SOLD.
Step 2 : Let the shopping commence
The shop is open to all attendees starting at 10AM. Items are a first come first serve basis and no prior reservations or "holding" is permitted. Buyers pay the price indicated on the item sheet based on the sellers designated amount for each time slot. All sales are final and sold "as is". Transactions and pricing are in CANADIAN DOLLARS and buyers should be prepared to use Canadian currency at the time of purchase.
The store closes AT 4PM. Be sure you have items in hand and are checking out prior to the 4PM cut off.
Step 3 : Picking up your unsold items and proceeds IMPORTANT
Please plan to return to the Bring and Buy room between 7 PM and 9 PM on Saturday night to collect your unsold items and any proceeds from the sales of your games. Failure to collect your items by 9 PM may result in the forfeiture of the items as the room must be empty and cleared for the event. If you do not think you will make it to the room before 9 PM, it is your responsibility to coordinate an alternative solution before the pick up period ends. NBW will not be held responsible for the loss or required retention of any items after the 9 PM cut off, the unclaimed items will become the property of NBW at 9:01 PM Saturday.
BnB Recommendations
- Fill out your registration form and item sheets BEFORE bringing them to the drop off to speed up the process, it can be very busy and little table room is available for writing on right where the items are being dropped off.
- Bring games that will sell to an audience of tabletop gamers. Most likely no one will pick up your used 1994 Walmart copy of Monopoly for $10 bucks.
- Be sure to claim your unsold games right away so as not to create confusion on what's left on the tables
- If you are planning on BUYING at the shop, make sure you have Canadian currency on you. There is an ATM in the hotel if you need to pull out money (and it will convert USD to CAD when withdrawing)
- If you see a title you like, grab it... many times the entire shop clears out of anything good. Don't wait if you are going to kick yourself for missing something